Jesus, the Bread of Life

Greetings, dear readers! It is a joy to share with you today as we continue our exploration of the powerful “I Am” statements of Jesus. As a devoted mother of three, deeply rooted in our African traditions, and a passionate teacher of the Gospel, I find immense strength and nourishment in these declarations. Today, we … More Jesus, the Bread of Life

Encouraging Your Child Through Nighttime Fears

Parenting isn’t always a walk in the park, especially when it comes to comforting our children through their nighttime fears. As a parent myself, I understand the struggle of soothing a scared child, particularly when the shadows of scary shows and games they  watch during the day linger long after bedtime. Firstly, let me assure … More Encouraging Your Child Through Nighttime Fears

Standing Firm in Faith Amidst the Floods: Finding Hope in God’s Promises

As I sit down to write this blog post, my heart is heavy with the weight of recent events unfolding in our region. The devastating floods caused by a dam bursts in Kenya, coupled with reports of flooding in neighboring Tanzania and even as far as Dubai, have left many families displaced, homes destroyed, and … More Standing Firm in Faith Amidst the Floods: Finding Hope in God’s Promises

Cultivating a Love for God’s Word: Overcoming Spiritual Laziness

Do you find it hard to muster up the enthusiasm to read God’s Word? Does it feel like a chore compared to the other activities in your day? You’re not alone. Many of us struggle with spiritual laziness at times, but there’s hope! Let’s explore practical steps to cultivate a genuine love for God’s Word … More Cultivating a Love for God’s Word: Overcoming Spiritual Laziness

Practical Steps to Put God’s Word in Our Hearts

Reading the Bible and Meditating In our journey of cultivating a life rooted in God’s Word, reading the Bible and meditating on its truths are foundational practices. Let’s explore practical steps to effectively plant God’s Word in our hearts: Establish a Consistent Reading Plan Begin by setting aside dedicated time each day to read the … More Practical Steps to Put God’s Word in Our Hearts