Embracing the Power of Repentance: A Call to Turn Back to God

Today, let’s take a moment to reflect on the profound act of repentance and how it can transform our lives. The bible reminds us that repentance is turning away from our sins and agreeing with God that our way is wrong and his way is right.That way is Jesus the word of God.If we take … More Embracing the Power of Repentance: A Call to Turn Back to God

Embracing Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life: Discovering the Path to God

Greetings, dear readers! It is a blessing to share with you as we continue our exploration of the powerful “I Am” statements of Jesus. As a devoted and passionate teacher of the Gospel, I find profound guidance and truth in these declarations. Today, we delve into the transformative statement: “I am the Way, the Truth, … More Embracing Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life: Discovering the Path to God

Encouraging Your Child Through Nighttime Fears

Parenting isn’t always a walk in the park, especially when it comes to comforting our children through their nighttime fears. As a parent myself, I understand the struggle of soothing a scared child, particularly when the shadows of scary shows and games they  watch during the day linger long after bedtime. Firstly, let me assure … More Encouraging Your Child Through Nighttime Fears

Standing Firm in Faith Amidst the Floods: Finding Hope in God’s Promises

As I sit down to write this blog post, my heart is heavy with the weight of recent events unfolding in our region. The devastating floods caused by a dam bursts in Kenya, coupled with reports of flooding in neighboring Tanzania and even as far as Dubai, have left many families displaced, homes destroyed, and … More Standing Firm in Faith Amidst the Floods: Finding Hope in God’s Promises